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Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Connecting Science and Art

Albert Einstein once wrote: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. So the unknown, the mysterious, is where art and science meet.

What do art and science have in common there? This hour we're going to explore that mysterious connection between art and science and how that relates to human origins. Our guests include a novelist, a filmmaker and a physicist, and we'll be talking with them this hour about their work.
Ilmu Pengetahuan dan seni adalah hal yang terindah ketika kita berhasil mengkombinasikan hal itu berdua. Apa yang telah dikatakan Einstein adalah salah satu hal yang mengubah dunia, dimana manusia yang focus hanya mengejar ilmu pengetahuan beralih menjadi mengkombinasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan seni.

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